Trail Ride Information
Here are the details for the event:
Huntersville State Forest
Huntersville Township - Located 15 miles southeast of Park Rapids on Wadena County Rd 18.
From the twin cities -
Stay on Highway 10 veering left through Motely, toward Staples. Approximately 3.5 miles past Staples turn right onto County Rd. 26. There will be a Nimrod sign before the turn. County Rd. 26 twists and turns and ends in Nimrod. Take a right onto Country Rd 12 (used to be State Highway 227).
Stay on Co. Rd 12 (used to be Hwy. 227) through Nimrod and across the River. Take a left on Huntersville Road (Co. Rd 18), which is the first left AFTER you cross the river. Continue North on Huntersville Road approximately 10 miles. After you make a sharp left turn and start heading West, continue ~1.75 miles, stay left to turn onto Old Bridge Rd and look for the signs to the trail ride base camp on the left right after the pavement turns to gravel. The turn into the trail ride base camp is before the Huntersville Outpost and the RV park.
This Google Maps link will get you close.
Riding Opportunities:
All skill levels are welcome
Ride the single-track trails in the Huntersville State Forest, including selected horse trails by special permit. Trails will be event arrowed/marked. Maps will be provided. Guided rides will also be available.
The terrain is mostly flat. Single-track trails wind through the forest and range from easy to more challenging.
Novice riders can ride a minimum maintenance road/two-track route for easy and scenic off-highway riding via GPS tracks, maps, or led by a TCTR member.
Forest road ride option:
A forest road ride is offered as part of the Huntersville Trail Ride weekend. We will have a guide for the ride. GPS route is available for solo riders or those that wish to ride on their own. Be sure to bring your download cable.
The Forest Road Ride is a recreational ride over scenic forest roads and includes two short sections of single track trails. Perfect for the rider in early development of their off-road skills or just want a laid back scenic ride in the woods. Suitable for dual sports and dirt bikes. Lasts about 3 hours. Sign up at the event pole barn.
Low cost entry
$20/adult or $10/child (12 and under) for one day - $5 discount for club members
$30/adult or $15/child for the weekend; maximum $75/family - $5 discount for adult club members
Primitive camping is FREE
Limited hookups are available, contact 218-564-9585 for rates and availability.
Event times
Camping gates opens Friday afternoon
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Saturday, September 27
8:00 AM to 2:30 PM Sunday, September 28
What is needed
Must have a DNR OHM sticker on all bikes OR an Out of State Non-Resident OHM trail pass for all riders.
Bike must pass a sound check at or below State level of 96dbA
Bike must have a USFS approved spark arrestor
ARMCA/District 23 membership; non-competition ($10/person or $25/family) or competition card
Dining Available:
The Huntersville Outpost is located adjacent to our ride base location. They serve lunch and dinner.
Huntersville Outpost
Camp fire
Come hang out around the bonfire (conditions permitting) on Saturday night and get to know your fellow riders. Listen to and tell stories.