About Twin Cities Trail Riders
TCTR is a Minnesota based OHM (Off-Highway Motorcycle) trail riding club.
TCTR was formed to address the lack of non-competition based riding clubs in Minnesota. Which in turn helps get us organized to do our part in making sure that we will all have trails to ride on in the future.

2020 AMA Recreational Off-Road Organizer of the Year
Twin Cities Trail Riders
The Twin Cities Trail Riders is proud to have won the Off-Road Organizer of the Year award from the AMA.
The story of the Twin Cities Trail Riders
The Twin Cities Trail Riders club was formed in 1999 out of a group of coworkers and friends that rode together. We had started to hear that we could be loosing some of our riding opportunities and started looking into what we could do to limit the loss.
In looking around, it was discovered that there were no non-competition off-highway (OHM) clubs in Minnesota. It was decided that we needed to formalize our riding group to get a voice and a seat at the table. We decided to focus on the recreational side of riding.
More to come...
TCTR Roots
January 2002, by Greg Hammer
Have you ever wondered where and when TCTR started? OK, maybe it isn't one of the great questions of our time. But if you were just curious, here are the facts as well as I can recall...
Back in the early 90's, there was a group of riders who used to all work together at a company called Dataserv, out in Chanhassen. These riders had dirt bikes (and even a couple 4-wheelers), and through the normal course of business (er - goofing off), found that they had a common interest. These riders included Jeff Morrow, Tom Umphress, John Driscoll, Greg Hammer, Gary Cornwell, and a few others. In its earliest form, the club had a name. It was called the "DWRA", short for the Dense Woods Riders Association. The DWRA guys rode as often as they could, and one of their main haunts was the Nemadji State Forest (..it still is). When the DWRA guys heard that the Nemadji State forest was in jeopardy of being closed to riding a few years back, we knew it was time to take action. We got in touch with the AMA (American Motorcyclist Association) and found out how to form a club. The club was made offical in 1999. But, alas, the name DWRA had to go, as we did not want anybody to be confused that it was the woods that were dense, not the riders. So the name Twin Cities Trail Riders was adopted. And the rest, as they say, is history...
Affiliations and Partners
Other organizations that we support.
Amateur Riders Motorcycle Association/District 23 of the AMA
Motorcycling is a family sport, which you can see reflected at any ARMCA event, whether it’s a competition like a motocross race, or a non-competitive trail ride day. We work with motorcycle clubs and promoters throughout Minnesota (and beyond), as well as state and local government agencies, to encourage the support and growth of motorcycling in a safe, responsible manner – for the riders, their neighbors, and the environment. ARMCA was formed in 1969 and became affiliated with the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) as District 23 (D23) in 1974.
National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council
NOHVCC, as a national body of OHV recreation enthusiasts, develops and provides a wide spectrum of programs, materials and information, or “tools”, to individuals, clubs, associations and agencies to further a positive future for responsible OHV recreation.
Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative
The Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative is the industry leader in guaranteeing responsible access to our nation’s land for outdoor enthusiasts. Through this program, Yamaha has directly and indirectly supported thousands of miles of motorized recreation trails, maintained and rehabilitated riding and hunting areas, improved staging areas, supplied agricultural organizations with essential OHV safety education, built bridges over fish-bearing streams and partnered with local outdoor enthusiast communities across the country to improve access to public lands.